Photo from the course title page Motor drives: Graph showing measurement of current and voltage supplying the frequency converter.

Electrical installations:

Motor Drives

35 minutes


  • Background in electrical installations


Included in membership

DKK 745 ex VAT


  • Basic function

  • Construction

  • Power draw from the power grid

  • Troubleshooting on motor drives

  • Network conditions and generator operation

  • 2, 6 and 12 pulse couplings

  • Low harmonic drives

  • Network connection requirements

Course motor drives

The frequency converter and conditions surrounding it are described, such that an understanding of the necessary electrical technical conditions is achieved for correct functioning and not emitting unwanted noise. Basic structure is looked at, which provides a background for the electrician to troubleshoot the installation. The necessary power grid conditions are also looked at, as well as the problem with high harmonic load from the power grid. 2, 6 and 12 pulse couplings are reviewed and compared with new motor controls which make a better load on the electricity grid. These may be a necessity to comply with requirements from the electricity supply company. PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) and leakage current issues from the frequency converter including the motor cable are briefly discussed.

Biggest source of errors in Industrial Installation

Noise, imbalance and DC on the grid

Rohde Consulting's experience from troubleshooting industrial plants is that frequency converters are the most frequent source of errors. It could be a faulty inverter, too high grid impedance (too low Ik,min) or incorrect installation technique. Typically, the current draw to the motor controller is looked at using different load levels. Take the motor drive course and the harmonic currents course is also recommended.

Get hands-on help from an engineer

Rohde Consulting is happy to send out an engineer to solve the challenges together and gain more knowledge and experience for your future work. TSE-learning and Rohde Consulting's goal is to expand knowledge and understanding at your company.

Power quality course

Rohde Consulting offers a physical 3-day course in power quality with practical exercises. Here you can gain a better understanding of power quality and exchange insights.

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