HV cable termination

HV cables:

Faults at terminations

20 minutes


  • Knowledge of HV cables


Included in membership

Coming Soon


  • Cases with Faults at terminations

  • Electric field

  • Field control element

  • Internal faults in terminations

  • Hot and cold shrink

  • Surface PD

  • Screen current (and underground installation)

Faulty HV cable terminations, course description

The course is built around some errors, cases with faults on terminations. These errors are compared to the theory, which focuses on the important parts of the termination. The course is continuously expanded with new cases and the first edition is compiled in 2024.

Target groups are people who install termination, maintain cable systems or construct cable systems. We'll look at field management and the individual parts of a termination. The course showcases the importance of the correct installation method, but also the need for the right end termination to be purchased.

External factors such as underground installation can cause high screen current and damage the cable system, this is highlighted. Furthermore, discharges from the surface of the termination and surface PD are addressed in the course.

Understanding is important to minimize errors

Understanding by technicians who perform the termination

It is important that the performing party understands the correct implementation of HV terminations. Installing a termination is a task that requires precision and care. To maintain focus, the theoretical background is important, but also abstract to understand. This course is based on errors that Rohde Consulting has encountered and holds them up against a theoretical explanation so that errors can be minimized in the future.

Knowledge to maintain HV cable systems

When making decisions about HV cable maintenance and replacements, it's important to have experience and knowledge of your materials; Especially cable accessories, terminations and sleeves. In this course, we collect relevant cases for others to learn from. The course started in 2024 and is continuously updated with cases experienced by Rohde Consulting and its partners and participants. We are happy to receive and help with cases. In addition to experience, Tan Delta measurements and PD analysis can be used to determine the condition of cables. Rohde Consulting offers a Cable Testing and Analysis course..

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